A car, truck or motorcycle accident can leave you with extensive damages that affect everything from your ability to live a normal life to your capability to work and earn a wage. There’s a good chance that you’ll face significant financial hardship in the aftermath...
Successfully Helping Injured People in Montana for More Than 40 Years
Car Accidents
Study: Vehicle size a key factor in pedestrian injuries
Montana roads can be dangerous for everyone. This is true for drivers, passengers, motorcyclists, bicyclists and pedestrians. Of course, those who are not protected by a vehicle are at greater risk. When there is an auto-pedestrian collision, there is a significant...
Improper passing may have caused recent fatal accident
Most Montana residents have by now heard multiple times from multiple sources that it is very dangerous to drive under the influence of alcohol and is also very dangerous to speed or ignore basic traffic laws. Unfortunately, as a recent motor vehicle tragedy in the...
Can airbags hurt me?
Airbags are designed to save lives in car accidents, but they can sometimes cause injuries themselves. This is why it is important to understand both the benefits and potential risks associated with airbags to keep yourself and your passengers safe. Possible injuries...
How can I increase my chances of winning my car accident case?
To win a personal injury lawsuit, you have to prove your claim by a preponderance of the evidence. This is a lower threshold than clear and convincing evidence and proof beyond a reasonable doubt, but the burden is still on you to prove your case by more than 51%. So,...
Tips for reducing the mental toll of your car accident
The physical injuries you suffer in a car accident can be painful and debilitating. But there’s a good chance that you’ll suffer mental, emotional, and psychological harm as well. If you don’t properly deal with these injuries, then you could be in for a long...
Beware the dangers of loose items in your vehicle
Do you feel like your car has become a sort of storage space? Have your kids left toys and water bottles strewn about? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, then you might be putting yourself at an increased risk of being seriously injured or killed in a...
Teens are vulnerable to distraction and drowsiness when driving
Although distracted driving is a known cause of many auto accidents, Montana does not have a ban on the practice. This makes it even more important for people to remember that there is a significant chance that the people they are sharing the road with might not be...
Now that summer is here, are accidents less likely?
As the sun graces Montana with its warm embrace, many of us bask in the glory of summer, especially after a harsh winter. But, does this seasonal shift translate to safer roads? The myth of summer safety It is tempting to assume that longer daylight hours lead to...
Neck injuries can be life-altering – including “whiplash”
Any of our readers who have been in an accident that left them facing serious injuries know the fear and uncertainty that can come with such a situation. Hopefully, most people who do find themselves in such a situation are able to get the medical treatment they need...