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Study: Vehicle size a key factor in pedestrian injuries

On Behalf of | Dec 20, 2024 | Car Accidents |

Montana roads can be dangerous for everyone. This is true for drivers, passengers, motorcyclists, bicyclists and pedestrians. Of course, those who are not protected by a vehicle are at greater risk.

When there is an auto-pedestrian collision, there is a significant chance that the pedestrian will suffer severe injuries. Researchers regularly compile and analyze the numbers to seek solutions.

Recently, a study from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety did a deep dive into pedestrian collisions and came to some troubling conclusions. These statistics are national. But given the number of people in Montana who have larger vehicles, it is important for people in the state to be aware of them and to take precautions.

Vehicle height is a surprising factor in pedestrian injuries

While most will reflexively believe that speed is a mitigating factor in the severity of pedestrian injuries in an auto accident, researchers pointed to other issues that contribute to how badly people are hurt.

The IIHS study found that although speed will impact the nature of pedestrian injuries and tend to make them worse, the vehicle height makes the injuries worse. This means that SUVs, trucks and other taller vehicles pose a greater risk. There have been past studies suggesting this, but the new information highlights it to a greater degree.

SUVs and light trucks comprise most vehicles sold in the United States. Their height can be at least 40 inches or more. This is believed to be a major reason why there has been a 75% spike in pedestrian deaths since the safest year on record for pedestrians in 2009.

Pedestrian vulnerability is a major challenge

Lawmakers are trying to address the issue by legislating how tall vehicles can be in the front. A bill is making the rounds to impose federal standards for vehicle hood height. A National Highway Traffic Safety Administration proposal would mandate how vehicles can be designed.

The number of pedestrians who are killed in auto accidents is a growing problem. An estimated 7,000 pedestrians are killed annually. Montana’s most recent comprehensive statistics show that the state averages between 15 and 18 pedestrian deaths every year.

The advent of safety technology is stoking enthusiasm with vehicles automatically detecting an object in front of them and stopping without the driver intervening. This, however, will take time to perfect and hinges on more people having later model vehicles with this advanced technology installed.

Auto accidents can be costly in every way

People who were injured or lost a loved one in an auto accident must think about the future. While any accident can cause injuries and death, a pedestrian collision is among the worst types of crashes that a person can be involved in.

Medical costs can be massive. People will inevitably miss time at work if they are even able to get back to work at all. Their family life can be changed forever with the inability to contribute to their loved ones and potentially needing help with the most minor tasks.

After suffering from motor vehicle injuries, it is imperative to know what options are available to hold drivers accountable for their negligence. Evidence must be gathered, costs calculated and the future assessed. Having advice from the outset is key and can be beneficial in shoring up the future.


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