The spring season always brings rain to the area. As a driver, you must pay attention to any change in weather conditions, as this will impact your driving style and approach.
Here are four tips for driving safely in the rain this spring:
- Slow down: Even if you do nothing else, this may be enough to prevent an accident. Speeding on wet roadways increases the risk of hydroplaning, which could result in a serious accident.
- Use your headlights: This improves visibility, allowing you to more easily spot other vehicles, puddles and hazards. It also makes your vehicle easier to see.
- Don’t use cruise control: Using this on slick surfaces increases the risk of an accident since you’re not actively controlling your speed. It’s best to turn cruise control off, move into the right lane (if you’re on the highway) and slow down.
- Pass with caution: It’s not always easy to pass another vehicle in rainy conditions, as you have to be careful about your speed. Furthermore, you don’t want to do anything that will cause trouble for another driver, such as passing in the right lane or cutting them off.
By taking these steps, you’ll feel better about your ability to safely reach your destination.
If another driver neglects to take extra caution in inclement weather, they could cause an accident. In this case, move your vehicle to the side of the road, call 911 and stay inside until help arrives.
After you better understand your injuries and prognosis, you can then file an insurance claim and determine if you have legal grounds to seek additional compensation from the negligent driver.