When you purchase a vehicle, regardless of where you live, you hope that it will be safe at all times. This has nothing to do with the potential to be involved in an accident, and everything to do with the way the vehicle itself operates.
Every year, automakers issue recalls throughout the world. In the United States alone, this impacts millions of vehicles every year. While most people are never injured by a defective auto part, this is not always the case.
You have rights as a consumer, including the fact that you may be able to file a product liability lawsuit against the automaker if you are injured or a loved one is killed. In this type of situation, you will claim that the car was defective and that you suffered damages as a direct result.
Automakers do not manufacture vehicles with the idea that they are unsafe. In some cases, faulty parts slip through the cracks for one reason or another, which leads to an accident that can cause injury or death.
You have rights, but you should consider the fact that most states have a statute of limitations that governs the period of time during which you can file a lawsuit.
It does not matter what type of vehicle you purchase, when you get behind the wheel, you will do whatever it takes to remain safe. Many people are surprised when a defective part leads to an accident and/or injury. If this happens, some wish to speak with a products liability attorney regarding their rights and what the future holds.
Source: FindLaw, “Your Rights: Defects, Repairs, and Lawsuits” Oct. 28, 2014