A motorcycle rider died and his passenger injured apparently due to a car crossing the center line of a highway and striking the motorcycle. The accident occurred along U.S. Highway 212 in eastern Montana in Powder River County.
The 2008 Hyundai Elantra that struck the Harley Davidson Motorcycle apparently was negotiating a right hand curve when it crossed the center line and went into the westbound lane. Both the rider and passenger on the motorcycle were thrown from the machine. The rider of the motorcycle was air-lifted to the hospital while the female passenger was taken to Billings, Montana for treatment.
The Montana State Trooper that investigated the crash has not yet ruled out alcohol or speed as a factor in this motorcycle accident. However, from what little information that we have it does not appear that the motorcycle operator could have done anything to prevent this accident.
Motorcycles are legally on the road and have as much right to the right-of-way as any other vehicle. When a driver crosses a yellow line or is otherwise unable to negotiate a curve, that individual is placing others at risk. It’s just in the case of motorcycles the injuries can only be that much more severe when struck by a much larger vehicle.
Motorcycle riders injured in accidents often end up suffering lifelong disabilities. The type of compensation they will require needs to be calculated on that basis by the attorneys that represent them.
We all need to take more care on the road and look out for everyone including motorcycle riders.
Source: KBZK, “Man dies in motorcycle crash near Broadus,” Aug. 10, 2013